Vulvovaginal conditions
A variety of conditions can affect the external lower genital tract. These include:
Vulvar and vaginal dermatoses
Just like the skin on the rest of the body, the vagina and vulva (the external aspects of the lower female genital tract) can be affected by a variety of short and long term skin conditions. The impacts of such conditions ranges from mild skin discomfort through to destructive alteration of normal genital anatomy. Women suffering from such conditions often struggle to identify an appropriate clinician for treatment. Both dermatologists and gynaecologists may or may not have the necessary interest and/or additional training and experience in addressing the unique challenges of vulvovaginal skin disease. Dr Holland has developed extensive experience in this field and offers women the certainty that they will be assessed by a clinician versed in the specifics of vulvovaginal dermatological care.
Chronic vulvar and vaginal infections​
Occasionally women are afflicted with chronic infections, such as Candida (thrush), that fail to respond to standard therapies. These can prove difficult conditions to remedy, however, with the correct clinical approach, the majority of such infectious conditions can be resolved.​
Vulvovaginal pain - vaginismus, vestibulodynia, vulvodynia, dyspareunia​, sexual pain disorders
Chronic vulvar or vaginal pain and sexual pain disorders can be debilitating and frustrating conditions for women. The impact upon relationships, self confidence and psychological well-being is often profound. Such conditions are often challenging for clinicians to manage, both diagnostically and therapeutically​. Part of this challenge relates to the under-recognised nature of the problem, most likely reflecting the tendency of the majority of affected women to "suffer in silence" and, for, those who do speak up, the challenge of finding a clinician with the knowledge to provide assistance. This is unfortunate as appropriate therapies are available and for the majority of women effective. Dr Holland takes a holistic and understanding approach to assessment and management of these conditions. His focus is upon supporting women through their treatment journey, recognising that exploring such conditions with a clinician can be difficult. Dr Holland applies his extensive knowledge in this field of gynaecology towards diagnosing the cause of a woman's pain and then applying appropriate focused therapies in conjunction with the involvement of appropriate allied health professionals such as physiotherapists and psychologists. Treatment is guided by the impact that a woman's pain is having upon her quality of life and careful exploration of the woman's own goals for therapy.
Following are a number of patient pamphlets that outline background information on general "care down there" and specific information relating to a selection of some of the conditions that Dr Holland addresses in his practice.